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Treating Seasonal Allergies With Chiropractic Care and Acupuncture

Written By Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center on June 13, 2022

woman suffering from allergies

With the changing weather comes the yearly arrival of pollen and other irritants, and combined with more time spent outside, seasonal allergies run rampant. Seasonal allergies commonly manifest themselves in the form of sneezing, a scratchy throat, watery eyes, and sometimes even itchy bumps or hives. While many choose to use over-the-counter medications, few realize that chiropractic care and acupuncture at Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center are effective ways to help train the body to respond differently to the irritants that cause seasonal allergies.         

How Chiropractic Care Treats Allergies

Chiropractic care addresses allergies through the spine and nervous system. A misalignment in the spine can lead to neural misfiring, which can lead to your body overreacting to allergens. In addressing misalignments, neural connectors are restored and your body has a more balanced response to allergens. Our chiropractors will work with you to create a chiropractic allergy treatment plan that will lead to long-lasting results.       

How Acupuncture Treats Allergies

Since inflammation is often a big issue when it comes to allergies, acupuncture is a sensible approach. Acupuncture, a form of traditional Chinese medicine that uses small needles on specific points on the body, can help moderate your body’s inflammatory response to allergens.

Several studies have been conducted in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of acupuncture as an allergy treatment, including one by Duke Clinical Research in accordance with the Regional Center for Neurosensory Disorders at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This study reported that participants who received acupuncture treatments noticed a marked improvement in allergy symptoms compared to those who did not. While more research is needed, acupuncture is a safe and non-invasive means of achieving overall wellness and balance within the body, something lost with the presence of seasonal allergies. 

Allergy Treatment at Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center

We know how frustrating seasonal allergies can be. Visit us at Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center and let our experienced chiropractors and acupuncturists show you how chiropractic care and acupuncture can give you long-lasting relief. 

Schedule an appointment with us by phone at (260) 432-7339.  

Posted In: Chiropractic Acupuncture Allergies