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Massage Therapy For Stress Reduction

Written By Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center on May 23, 2023

massage therapy

If you suffer from chronic stress and it’s keeping you from living a happy, healthy life, our chiropractors and massage therapist can help. Massage therapy has long been a safe, natural, non-invasive method for relieving pain and stress, and it’s perfect for people who don’t want to turn to prescription drugs for relief. Scheduling an appointment for massage therapy in Fort Wayne can help you find relief from stress.

Relieves Tension, Pain, and Inflammation

When you’re under stress for long periods of time, your body starts to react physically. Stress and tension can affect your posture, making your muscles tighten, your shoulders hunch, and your body slouch. Over time, that will lead to aches and pains. Massage therapy can relieve that tension, stiffness, pain, and inflammation so that you can get back to your normal life. The hormones released during massage therapy can also ease stress headaches, insomnia, irritability, concentration problems, and other side effects of stress.

Gives You Great Stress Management Techniques

When you visit our chiropractors regularly for therapeutic massage, you will learn valuable stress management techniques that can last a lifetime. Our chiropractors or massage therapist can assist you in deep breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, therapeutic exercises and stretches that help you manage stress at home, and lifestyle and nutrition changes that can help balance your hormones and relieve tension.

Reduces Stress Hormone Levels

Massage therapy releases endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, all of which can calm you, ease pain, and make you feel happy and euphoric. Massage therapy also reduces stress hormone levels by up to 30% during each session, which can instantly help you feel centered and calm. Prenatal massage can also relieve the stress and anxiety caused by pregnancy hormones, and can improve circulation, relieve pain, and help you stay centered and calm throughout your pregnancy.

Interested in Massage Therapy Treatment in Fort Wayne? 

If you’re ready to schedule massage therapy treatment in Fort Wayne, or you want to find out if massage therapy will be effective stress relief for you, come see us at Allen County Chiropractic Wellness Center.  We have a chiropractor on staff who has years of experience in chiropractic massage, and we also have a chiropractor who is a licensed acupuncturist—both of whom can greatly help with stress. You can schedule an appointment or learn more when you call us at (260) 432-7339.

Posted In: Chiropractic Massage Stress Reduction